Tailored support
for your business

Preventing violence against women isn’t just a matter of social responsibility; it’s a strategic business opportunity.
With personalised support that suits your business, you can drive meaningful change in your workplace and community.
By partnering with the Our Watch Institute, you’re investing in your employees, increasing productivity and contributing to the nationwide movement to end violence against women.
Our offering is tailored to meet your business needs.
Watch the video below to learn about the Goodman Foundation's experience with training from the Our Watch Intitute.
You can find an audio described version of this video here .
Delivered by experts, our training sessions will motivate your team to take action to prevent violence against women at work and in their communities.
Sessions can be delivered face-to-face or online. Durations and capacity limits are included as a guide but can be adjusted to suit your business needs.
Introduction to preventing violence against women
For all staff levels | 2 hours | up to 20 participants
- Understand how gender inequality causes violence against women
- Learn how workplaces play a role in preventing violence against women in the community
- Commit to taking action against gender inequality in the workplace to prevent violence against all women
Answering the fundamental questions: What is violence against women and why does it occur? Why are we talking about this issue at work?
This session will guide team members across the whole business through an introductory understanding of what drives violence against women and how they can be part of the solution.
Championing prevention of violence against women
For all staff levels | 2 hours | up to 20 participants
- Gain a deep understanding of gendered social structures in the workplace.
- Understand how to prevent violence against women as an individual and as part of a team.
Feel confident in articulating the importance of gender equality and its connection to violence against women.
This session builds on the introductory training and supports your staff to put theory into practice.
Transform your workplace
For HR and D&I project leads | 2 x 2 hours | up to 20 participants
- Gain a deep understanding of Workplace Equality and Respect standards .
- Begin implementing initiatives to prevent violence against women at your business.
Equip your prevention leaders with the skills to identify real solutions to prevent violence against women, based on Our Watch’s Workplace Equality and Respect standards.
Delivered as two 2.5 hour sessions, this training will give your HR leads the hands-on support to action prevention initiatives and put gender equality into the DNA of your business.
Leading the change to end violence against women
For senior leaders | 1-1.5 hours | up to 20 participants
- Understand the benefits of gender equality in your business.
- Motivate everyone at your business to join the national movement to end violence against women using evidence-based practices.
You can make significant change in the community through your organisational leadership role.
This session will help leaders understand the power of workplaces in making societal change towards ending violence against women.
A partnership with your business
Ask about consultingWe are the experts in preventing violence against women but you’re the specialist in your own industry. Let’s work in partnership and co-develop a plan to fit your business.
Our prevention experts will work alongside your teams to apply a gender equality lens to your existing policies. We’ll support you to develop action plans and help to embed evaluation at every stage of the process.
We’re committed to meeting workplaces where they’re at – no judgement. We will assess your readiness to make a real impact in the community through small changes in the workplace.
Contact us for an obligation-free chat so we can understand your business needs and develop a quote for you.

Get in touch
Our experts will create a solution to meet your business needs.
If you'd prefer to contact us directly email us . We’ll get back to you within 2 working days.