How can workplaces prevent violence against women?

Construction site workplace
By Sharon Pask, Workplace Lead at the Our Watch Institute

13 September 2024 | 4 minute read

Workplaces play a key role in ending violence against women in Australia.

Yes, violence against women can occur in the workplace, including forms of violence like sexual harassment or stalking.

But violence that happens outside the workplace can still have an impact on a business and the people who work for it.

We spend so much of our life at work, and we know that the conversations and experiences we have in meetings, on site or by the water-cooler stay with us long after we have finished work for the day.

This means that workplaces have a real opportunity to educate their staff about:

  • what violence against women looks like
  • why it occurs
  • how to support people who are experiencing violence
  • how to be an active bystander
  • how to manage people who choose to use violence and support them to change their behaviour.

To end violence against women in Australia, we need a whole-of-society approach – that means driving change in the places we live, work and socialise.

The evidence shows us that violence against women happens in a social context of gender inequality.

That means that where there is violence against women, there is sexism and disrespect at the root of it.

There can be other factors that may increase the prevalence of violence – like drug or alcohol use – but to end violence, we need to change the culture of disrespect that allows violence to thrive.

So where does that culture come from?

Our national framework Change the story has identified four main factors or 'drivers' that create the culture that leads to violence against women. They are:

  1. Excusing or minimising violence against women.
  2. Gender inequality resulting in men dominating decision-making.
  3. Rigid gender stereotyping.
  4. Masculine behaviour that emphasises aggression, dominance and control.

These drivers can play out anywhere – in sporting clubs, in schools and of course, in our workplaces.

That means that businesses have a responsibility to address these drivers and take action against gender inequality – because the benefits of those actions will be felt inside and outside the workplace.

What is primary prevention of violence against women?

Primary prevention means stopping it before it starts.

And many businesses are already taking a primary prevention approach to other issues like occupational health and safety.

That is because when most businesses have a problem, they go to the root cause of that issue instead of wasting their time and resources on other initiatives that won’t make an impact.

That means that when it comes to primary prevention of violence against women, we need to look at the root cause of that issue – gender inequality – and implement plans that promote the solution – gender equality.

What is an example of primary prevention in workplaces?

In workplaces, primary prevention can look like many things including:

  • training all staff to understand what violence against women is and the link between violence and gender inequality
  • training staff to be active bystanders by calling out inappropriate behaviour
  • creating an action plan to recruit and retain women in senior leadership positions
  • flexible working conditions that allow all staff to meet their caregiving responsibilities
  • comprehensive parental leave entitlements that encourage male caregivers to take time off.

How can the Our Watch Institute help workplaces prevent violence against women?

While many businesses are already implementing primary prevention to improve workplace safety, they may not be sure how to use this approach to address violence against women.

They may also need help understanding their legal obligations. Under the changes to the Respect@Work act, all businesses have a Positive Duty to prevent sexual harassment at work – which is a form of gendered violence.

We’re committed to meeting businesses where they’re at with no judgement.

This is what happens when you partner with the Our Watch Institute

When we partner with your business, the first thing we will do is work with your leadership team – because we know that for change to occur, it needs to have support from the very top.

Leaders need to actively and visibly model equality and respect. They create and sustain the culture, which means they play a crucial role in embedding gender equality and creating a workplace environment where inappropriate behaviour cannot occur.

We will educate your leaders on the power and responsibility they have to promote gender equality and prevent violence against women, including forms of violence like sexual harassment.

We can also educate leaders on their legal obligations under Positive Duty laws.

From there, we will develop tailored strategies that can include:

Staff training

We conduct all-staff and leadership training to help everyone understand what violence against women is, its prevalence, and why it’s a workplace issue.

We’ll also train them on how to prevent violence against women including sexual harassment as an individual and as part of a team. 

Policy reviews

Many businesses already have policies that address violence and harassment, but they are often opaque and inaccessible to their staff.

We can help bring your policies to life, to ensure that they are transparent, confidential and effective in supporting your staff.

Policy development

In addition to reviewing existing policies, we can also help develop new policies that align with your strategic goals, for example, increasing the number of women in leadership positions.

Pulse checks

Many businesses want to create a Gender Equality Action Plan, but aren’t sure where to start.

Our pulse checks use evidence-based tools to identify what your business is already doing well and where you need to improve.

We do this in a number of ways, including confidential staff surveys, gathering data, and conducting focus groups.

From that process, we will create a bespoke Recommendation Report. This can be used to create a Gender Equality Action Plan that is efficient, effective and strategically aligned with the needs and goals of your business.

Implementation support

If you have worked with the Institute to create a Gender Equality Action Plan, or if you already have an existing plan, we can help them bring that plan to life.

That can range from training your internal working group to grow their change-making capabilities to offering facilitation through the whole process.

Ready to partner with the Our Watch Institute and prevent violence against women?

Reach out today by emailing us or use the form at the bottom of the page to discuss your needs.

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